Sunday, November 4, 2012

Guilty Pleasures

My friends are aware that I love lipsticks. It is one thing "I might" not be able to live without, other than my cellphone. I don't know what charisma does lipstick has that I can't resist it. Whenever I go grocery shopping, I can't stay away from stepping into the cosmetics department. I have several lipstick collection, in different shades and I still want to buy more. Whenever I leave my lipstick in my purse and left it in my car on a hot summer day and when I come back, it's already melted, it really breaks my heart. You can just imagine a little girl carrying a very colorful cotton candy at the fair and somebody ran over her and the cotton candy fell off, can you imagine or visualize her face? That is exactly how I look when I lose or one of my lipsticks got damaged.

How about you? What's your guilty pleasure?

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